Quotes From "No Hope For The Hopeless At Kings Park" By Jason Medina

By the time she awoke she couldn’t even remember if...
By the time she awoke she couldn’t even remember if she had a dream or a nightmare. There had only been a deathlike peace. Jason Medina
For a while she cried silently until she tired herself out and the overwhelming feeling of sleepiness overcame her. The room around her was fairly silent, although she wasn’t the only one crying herself to sleep. It was quite common at places like this to hear cries in the dark. There were so many saddened and lonesome souls around her. It was usually at night when they were reminded of just how sad and lonely they actually were. Jason Medina
Amanda had way too much time to think being at the hospital without any friends. She didn’t want to dwell on her thoughts for too long lest the wrong ones might emerge. She was hoping to forget what happened to her. Jason Medina
Now to tell ya about our fellow inmates. Pay attention because there are a bunch of us an’ we each have a story. Jason Medina
Baby, I’m so sorry. You know I wouldn’t feel right, if I ran away from my responsibilities. I’d have to live with that decision for the rest of my life. My being in the war could save lives. My running away will only save mine. It’s a selfish decision to make. I’ll come back to you. I promise. Jason Medina
We just wanted to see whose dick was in yer mouth. Call it curiosity. Jason Medina
Each of these patients counts on us to help them to the best of our abilities. We have an obligation to them. We shouldn’t turn our backs on them and give up. It’s not fair to them, nor is it fair to ourselves. Jason Medina
By dinnertime, Amanda had managed to pick off all of her red nail polish purely out of habit. She was disappointed and silently cursed at herself when she remembered not having anymore to put on. She stared at her fingernails for about twenty minutes for lack of something better to do. Jason Medina
There’s one last reason why none of us ever tries to escape. There are a few of us who just don’t have anywhere else to go. Jason Medina
The United States always seems to have a way of playing the international cop of the world. Jason Medina